الخميس، 22 أغسطس 2013

The yellow invasion


Suddenly without any introductions everything turned into yellow what happened What is the secret to choose this color it is a mystery?  
Question on everyone's secret invasion of yellow on the social media pages

 Turkish Prime Minister Ragap Tayyip Erdogan used the four-finger “Rabaa” salute during a weekend speech after Prime Minister signal referring to the rabaa social media turns to the  yellow .

What's the secret  of choosing this particular color? It is the color of jealousy. Is it a symbol of the fall experienced by the MB and yellow leaves and go with the winds of revolution 30-6

or a code for the disease, which after out-hit millions in the streets and take off their President and the  appearance of their real face

Or artificially icon when yellow smile appear on their face with their alliance with the West and show what happened as a military coup, not a  civilian revolution

Or a symbol of fabricated rumors in yellow news channels and newspapers , which helps them to sedition and incitement and support them. Or a symbol of mad yellow Saraya in egypt "mental hospital." Or the color of lemon to remind "Asry lemon" with elections

Many questions about the secret of yellow logo, the same color
of the flag of the Fatah movement and Hezbollah?

Is it a warning card to escalate? or Crazy actions will occur? And the continuation of violence and terrorist operations

Some opinions see write R4BIA on the yellow logo abbreviation to

Ready for Brotherhood Independent Army

that Is the reason for writing 4 instead of A


rasha khattab

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